Adrian Melendrez

B.S. Computer Science | Full Stack Developer

About Me

Hello, my name is Adrian Melendrez. Being a recent graduate from Oregon State University, I am excited to enter the field of tech to demonstrate the skills I have acquired over the past three years while receiving my B.S in Computer Science. I have mastered several programming languages and technologies including but not limited to Python, JavaScript, React, and Node.js. While these skills are directly related to the field, I also pride myself in having 7+ years of experience in working with several Fortune 500 companies and the United States federal government. I am an individual who works well in both a team and individual setting. I take a creative approach to problem solving and can always be counted on. I look forward to potentially working with your team.

Adrian Melendrez headshot



Python, Git, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React, Express.js, Node.js, MongoDB, Unix, C, C++, Flask, MySQL, SQL, Handlebars, x86 assembly language, Redux, Bootstrap, Unit Testing, Restful API


Fluent in English and Spanish, Leadership, Public Speaking, Communication, Time Management, Ability To Work Under Pressure, Decision Making, Adaptability, Problem Solving


Project One Image


Built a MERN full stack web application that allows users to create a user account with login authentication and create, participate, and track fitness challenges. Users can create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) challenges.

Project two Image

Library Management System

Built a library management system using JavaScript, Handlebars, and SQL(Data Definition Queries & Data Manipulation Queries). This project includes entities with attributes, relationships (ie. 1:M, M:M) entity-relationship diagram (ERD), and a schema.

Project four Image

Wikipedia Image Web Scraper Microservice

Built a Python Wikipedia Image Web Scraper microservice that can obtain image links of users input.

Project three Image

Loan Calculator

Built with Python and Flask framework. Successfully calls a microservice programmatically to display a pie chart of the loan calculated data. Free of code smells and follows all 8 cognitive style heuristics.

Project four Image

Client-Server Chat

Built a Python client-server program that uses python sockets The program emulates a 1 -to- 1 chat client. Only one socket connection is made and this socket is reused.

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Academic Advisor GPA Goal Calculator

Built a Python program made for academic advisors to help students calculate needed letter grades for graduating.

Project three Image

Exercise Tracker App

Built a MERN stack Single Page Application (SPA) that tracks exercises completed by the user. Front-end UI built with React. REST API built with Node and Express as the back-end web service. MongoDB is also used.

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Graph Traversal Puzzle

Built a Python program that uses breadth first approach to solve a puzzle problem.

Project four Image

HashMap Implementation

This program uses Hashmaps implemented with Dynamic Arrays and singly linked list to accomplish various methods. Uses which includes classes SLNode, DynamicArray, and LinkedList.